Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lessons from Nature

I sat peering through the window as God sent down brick size droplets of rain, a whistling wind, and rumbling thunder and lightening. It was a tad scarey to be honest, and I am no wimp. As an x-football player I would run full speed into an uncoming opponent who was probably 6'2" 300lbs solid, and I standing at a lean 5'11 185lbs. Thinking about it now, I was insane! I digress. So where was I, yes; I was amazed at the power of the elements, and not suprisingly there was not a soul in sight! All the mortals in my city, like myself were probably comfortably perched on a sofa enjoying a hot cup of coco and some biscuits.

But then my attention was quickly drawn to some of the most amazing living things on the planet: TREES!! In the eye of the storm, here they were, standing tall, battling to stay alive with no where to run and no where to hide! Their bravery sent chills down my spine; for even Mr. Olympia or the worlds "Strongest" man would not be caught dead in this storm.

Unfortunately, one tree was struck by lightening about two feet from the ground and it collapsed. I noticed that there was still some of it left, and even though I was saddened, I knew that in time; no matter how long it takes, this tree will grow again.

What storm are you running away from in your life? Do you feel that falling flat on your face or being cut down is going to put an end to your wonderful life? Well the answer is NO!

We must be brave and face our challenges with determination and faith that God will see us through just like the trees in the eye of the storm. I hope that you are blessed and committ to taking on the challenges that come your way in this life time. For without faith, there are no miracles, and without battles there are no victories. God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Toju what an inspiring story and strong message, words to live by.
